The Bun Life - Thinking of Getting a Bunny? Wondering What It's Like Owning One? Read This.
Collectively, most bunny owners are women, I know this from experience in rescue along with doing many "home visits" to screen potential adopters. Not once did I meet someone like me, some might consider this a good thing, namely Frannie, but that is neither here nor there. Also, nearly everyone in rescue or rabbit enthusiast events that I meet are also women, I've only met a couple men in these circles and actually found them all to be just like me in terms of sensitivity towards animals and things in general. My friend Chris, Lori's husband, is this way, and I think it is great; if everyone was, then the world would be a much better place.
So, what I am trying to get at, is if you are anything like me or the people I have explained above, then you are likely to have the following experiences and observations when adopting a bunny for the first time. Obviously, all bunnies are a little different, but I will mention stuff that applies to all mostly.
For the first few weeks, unless they exhibit extremely destructive, aggressive behavior, your heart will likely melt every time they do ANYTHING, such as play running, bunny flops (where they all of a sudden drop and roll like they got shot and play dead), binkying (playfully hopping and either clicking their heels together or shooting their legs straight out in happiness), grooming themselves, grooming you (this means they really love you, or your cologne or perfume contains timothy hay protein), and just about anything else.
They are as CURIOUS as any living thing you'll ever meet. Take any object, put it in their area, and walk away. I guarantee you, it is only a matter of seconds before they are right on it, checking it out, they rub their whiskers (yes, bunny whiskers are real, they use them for measuring the width of openings, just like cats do) on it, then they leave their scent on it by rubbing their chin on it, they have a scent gland in their chin that emits their identifying scent when they rub it on something. Not only are they checking it out, and marking it; they are also mapping it in their minds. Why? Every bunny memorizes at least 2 different exit routes in any space. This helps them escape predators, they are at the bottom of the food chain and are natural prey animals, therefore are instinctively suspicious of everything and everyone. Watch when they are spooked, they run one of these routes with incredible speed and precision, missing objects by centimeters with ease. As a matter of fact, when you want to catch your bunny, you can use this knowledge to your advantage. For example, by placing gates or boxes along the path of these routes to block them in, learn all the routes and you can easily trip them up. Pretty sadistic huh? lol.
Like I always say, bunnies will run first and ask questions later, especially if they see other bunnies running. In their minds, the element of danger is just the same as if they were on the African Savannah plains. Just because you house them safe in your home, where nothing will likely ever happen to them, doesn't have much of an effect (if at all) on their level of cautiousness. They will get comfortable, but not complacent, so be ready for a lot of "false alarms" where your bunny will thump for absolutely no reason, at least to you there is no reason for it, but to them it is serious business. The more you accept and learn about this part of the bunny psyche, the better off both of you will be, you won't be scratching your head when they do something strange, because it won't be strange anymore, you'll totally understand. After a while, you'll even find these behaviors very humorous, because you can read their minds.
You'll figure out that the better you care for your bunny, the more their personality will blossom. Again, it isn't complacency, but a relaxation of inhibitions on the part of the bunny. When everything is just the way the bunny likes it, there is more time and energy for playing and just being silly or obsessive about non-serious situations. Once you notice this, you'll respond by taking even better care of your bunny, if possible (and according to bunnies, it is ALWAYS possible to be treated better), then you will find that, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, you woke up one morning and your bunny has become....a spoiled rotten little conceded pretentious brat. And just like the good bunny slave that you are, you'll celebrate the transformation! You'll go on the web and tell all of your friends, excitedly, that Mr. Buns no longer accepts anything less than imported French Alpine water from the glaciers of the north. The other sheep, I mean slaves, will nod and laugh, and tell you how their bunny does the same thing. Then you'll upload videos of you building all kinds of crazy stuff for your bunny to reside or play in, then your bunny slave friends will give you pointers on how to improve it to maximize the bunny's benefit from the whole project. Then you might have fleeting moments where you wonder, what does this bunny do for me again? You won't be able to answer that, because the answer is NOTHING!! And the funny thing is, you'll be happy about that! You'll tell the other slaves about it and they will send you virtual bunny hugs, nomies, or whatever the heck else, and applaud your mental imprisonment via bunny. Are you starting to see just how bunnies are planning to take over the world? Forget false flag CIA conspiracies, the great bunny takeover is in full swing and we are gladly towing the line!
Overall, if you embrace bunny ownership, it can bring you great joy and companionship, they have a way of being there when you need someone to talk to that doesn't talk back. When grieving, bunnies are great to ease your pain. Treat them right, and you will be adopting a new family member, not a pet. The End.
The Bun Life - No TV Dinner, But Something Better
Oh, I made a funny observation too. I was watching Frannie get groomed by Thumper, and how he kept getting further and further towards her, errr....ummm.... rumpus. At first, he would groom her eyelids, her ears, then her shoulders, then her ribs, and all I thought was "any minute now, and he will go for it, always does" but I was incredibly surprised and impressed by Frannie's intellect. She knows him so well, right before he is about to grab her and start humping her, she popcorns up and either backs up and make him start all over again (meaning she gets groomed again) or runs away entirely. He might give chase but she is faster and more agile than him, and of course he is pretty dumb so it doesn't take much for her to bamboozle him, lol. Bunny drama is so funny, if you weren't really watching closely and knew rabbits, you would miss all of it entirely, then you would have what they call "a life" hahahaha.
The Bun Life - Sydney, The Little Dwarf Rabbit Heating Pad/Pillow
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The SYD1000 Model Heating Pad |
Sydney, when he is on the ground at your feet, is a psychotic individual, a bunny serial killer if there is such a thing. If you were a bunny, you wouldn't want to live next to him, and would want him on the Nutcase Registry. He wouldn't be able to live within 100 miles of a bunny school.
As you know though, when you pick him up and sit him on your lap, or just hold him, he becomes Little Orphan Bunny, licks you to death, and is just an all around cutie. What I have been doing lately is sitting him on my lap, watching TV. He does that for a good hour, then starts to get a little fidgety, so I let him walk around on the other side of the couch/love-seat, I just use my arm to block him when he starts getting froggie wanting to jump off the couch. I laugh because every time I block him he grunts and whimpers to himself (but surprisingly never bites). I know he is saying to himself, "Oh come on! Why can't I just jump down??" Like a little kid throwing a tantrum.
To stop him from getting all crazy, I cuddle him and just rest my head on him. I don't put any weight on him or anything, I am real careful about that. Then, I noticed that he happens to find that very comforting, as most bunnies love the stuffed in a can feeling, it makes them feel safer. I know this because he has now started falling asleep when I do it! LOL. Tonight I did it and he was out like a light. I swear, he is the best heating pad ever! Maybe I can modify the position to soothe my trapezoid muscles? lol. Is it wrong for me to use little squibs as a small appliance? Talk about adorable, GOD I have the best bunnies, nah nah nah.. nah.. na na!
The Bun Life - Get Well Mr. B
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Mr. B and Monet (R.I.P.) |
If you are really feeling generous and kind, I am now accepting donations for Frannie's clown college fund starting today. Clown college is really expensive, they charge you 5 bucks per scarf they pull out of the clown hat, and you already know that those damn scarfs never seem to end! To donate money to Frannie's Fund, click here. Thanks, your generosity will surely go unnoticed!
The Bun Life - Frannie Feeling Under the Weather
The Bun Life - New Column Debuts "Dear Baby Fwan," Issues Flying Off The News Stands!
Fan Mail Question: "Dear Baby Fwan, I am hoping you can help. You are so knowledgeable, courageous, and an inspiration to us women, I read your column all the time. My problem is my husbun. He is a typical man, sleeps all day, leaves the lid up on the litterbox, and is downright aggressive at dinner time. He is a control freak also, he won't even let me leave our enclosure, he even put a large fence up around the whole thing made of metal! Isn't that bunny-napping or something? I feel unloved, I know that is typical of English lops, but I am trying not to be racist or judgmental. I tried to get a restraining order against him, but the courts said we were "bonded" and the clerk said I was "S-O-L" but I don't know what that even means. What should I do Baby Fwan??" Love always, Precious in Seattle
Baby Fwan Responds
Dear Precious,
Sorry to hear about your whatever, must be tough. How could you read my column all the time if this is the first one? Something tells me you're blowing smoke up my 'tocks. Anyway, honey you need to get your own identity. Ever hear the old saying, "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything?" Me neither. Anyway, men are always going to be fat, lazy slobs who think about one thing and one thing only: yup, CARROTS! Ever hear the old proverb about the stick and the carrot? Me neither, but I hear it is pretty cool, and basically says you can get anybun to do anything by using a combination of punches and carrots. Pretty cool right? You have to get out of this relationship, maybe you could fake being barbered? Does he have any life insurance? Without knowing every detail it is hard for me to give you specific answers. I encourage you to write back to me again and divulge some of this stuff to me. Who knows, maybe we can run away together, somewhere where we are free to roam without getting picked up. Ahhh, a girl can dream can't she?
The Bun Life - Tocks?!?!?!?!?
Anyway, what drew me to this subject, aside from the Bigfoot toes Sogna has, (you wouldn't believe how bad Sogna's feet were when she was rescued, even one of her Tocks had to be amputated.) was how weird Frannie's feet were. Incredibly, Frannie has webbed feet! Seriously, she has no toes, I'll have to get a good pic of them so you can see. I spoke with the Genetics professor at our local St. Joseph's College, even sent him a sample of Baby Fwan's hair for advanced DNA genetic profiling (not just the run of the mill genetic profiling, ADVANCED genetic profiling, which is way better, in fact the regular genetic profiling totally sucks!) and the results were astounding.
Actually, first he sent the sample back saying that there must have been some mistake because all that was in the tube was a piece of wire from a Brillo Pad, with a piece of Pumpernickel bagel on the end of it. I assured him that it was Frannie's hair, and that what he got was just a Frannie feather, so I sent it back and he analyzed it for me. He says that Frannie is 35% Duck!!?? That totally explains the webbed feet, maybe even the cowlick she gets! He also said the other 65% is a mixture of nearly every species on the planet. I still don't know where she gets the detachable ears from, but that might never be known definitively anyway. So Fran doesn't have Tocks, kind of sad actually in a way, but I am over it already. Uh oh, Frannie climbing on the ceiling again, gotta go!
The Bun Life - I Like To Read Stories Like This
The Bun Life - Happy Jolloween!
The buns are great! We are getting all ready for Halloween. I have big plans. Frannie is gonna wash her hair, and then me and her are playing an exhibition Polish Yahtzee marathon with Thumper. We were thinking of doing a Haunted Couch Ride to make some extra money, but the couch is gone so scratch that idea! I am getting a life size picture of Charles Manson, taping it to my apt. door on Halloween, then writing on it "Knock for Candy! Note: I cannot be held liable for ANY sharp instruments found in candy!" That should deter those annoying trick or treaters! Bah-Humbun!
The Bun Life - Male Bunny Pickup Lines
- "I used to get all the chicks, but I wasn't compatible with any of them." (Get it???)
- "Bartender! I’ll have whatever she wants!"
- "I normally don't go out with girls as ugly as you, but at this point I'll take anything with floppy ears and a heartbeat. The heartbeat's optional."
- "Wow! You smell divine, what is that perfume you're wearing? Hay and Urine? Do they sell it at Macy's?"
The Bun Life - They'reeeee Baaacccckkkk
Needless to say, this is an issue. I was all excited and happy to be Bun-free, joyful that I finally put the boot to those darn rabbits, and now this annoying little thing pops up. I tell you, that is the last time I trust so-called "friends". I saw a lawyer today and filed for full, permanent custody of the buns. Only, I filed custody for Chris and Lori, not for me though. So they now have full permanent custody of the three furry loafs of bread, and not me. So technically, they are now "their" buns, and not mine, so how could they argue that I should take their own buns??? Genius, right? I know, I know, I'm gifted, you don't have to tell me.
I promised the buns I would visit them every time we have a Lolar Eclipse. That is when the Sun, Moon, Earth, Mars, and Boise, Idaho all come into alignment near the equator. Hopefully, that will be soon.
Oh by the way, just kidding, the buns are back and are doing splendid. I missed them terribly, but C&L took wonderful care of them, I can't thank them enough. Thanks guys!
The Bun Life - Missing Wabbits & R.I.P. Tango
The Bun Life - All New Bun Life Groupie Badge
Nice huh? Make sure you wear it on your blog and/or Facebook page!!
The Bun Life - Banana Butt Caught on Camera by Shazzarazzi!!
Awwwww! That is too funny. I love how she zooms in on the butt for a close-up, that is classic! Poor Nutmeg, compromising her dignity for her banana addiction. Gee, I hope the other bunnies don't find out, then it will be all over school, and before you know it the damn thing will be up on YouTube! Then she'll NEVER get a job for Fran's sake! Uh oh, too late!!
The Bun Life - Looks Like a Train Came Through the Box!
The Bun Life - These f@!!@%$ Gnats Are Driving Me Insane!
The Bun Life - Like The New Logo?
The Bun Life - Bunny Butt???
The Bun Life - Certified Nail Clipper
- Relax. Your bunny is naturally paranoid about everything to begin with, they can sense your apprehension, and most likely they will jerk back right as you are about to clip the nail. Try to be confident, or at least fake it as good as possible, believe me.. it makes a big difference.
- Let There Be Light. Since your bunny's comfort largely depends on you missing the wick of the nail, it is vital that you give yourself enough light so that you can spot the end of the wick. This is even more important with dark nails. Aside from room light, I keep a mini flashlight nearby, so I can get up close to the nail if need be.
- Don't rush. I never rush it anymore, I put the bunny up on the counter, and then I spend about 10 minutes petting them, scratch behind the ears, etc. They begin to relax, then I begin the nail trimming. I try to make the experience start and end on a good note.
- The hind legs, or hocks, are the most stressful for the bunny. They use their front paws to manipulate their surroundings all the time, but they do very little with the hocks other than move and scratch. So, they simply aren't used to having their hocks touched, let alone clipped. My trick is to wait until I do the front paws, then I pet the top of the hocks, just like I would when petting them on the head. Most will jump at first, but that is okay, the more you do it, the more accepting they will be of it. This works great for me.
- You're In Charge. You have to be persistent as heck with some bunnies, Thumper is a perfect example. I lift his leg to cut the nail, he pulls away, so I do it again, and he pulls away, then I keep doing it until he resolves to himself that he won't be done until I am able to clip the nail, then he relents. Frannie doesn't mind being clipped at all really, she is great with that. Sydney is tough but he is a lot smaller so he is easier to keep still.
- No Frills Kills. A nail trimmer for a rabbit must be of good quality, and sharp. Otherwise you will be crushing the nail instead of cutting it, which is very painful for the bunny. The nails can splinter and hurt the bunny, as well as infection of the wound. Get a quality trimmer, and keep it sharp, your bunny will appreciate it.
- Water. I keep a glass of warm water nearby, so I can dip my fingers into it and just wet the little bit of fur around the nail, which gives you a better view, and less of a chance to clip hair along with the nail, which is painful.
The Bun Life - Heartbreaking News About My Frannie
It is with a heavy heart that I am telling you all this, I am so upset about it that I can barely type at all. At 12:30 PM yesterday, Frannie’s application to the Ohio College of Clown Arts was rejected indefinitely. This means that she can’t even apply again, I wonder what happened that caused this harsh of a reaction. One of their stated reasons was that none of the clown shoes fit Frannie’s feet. Also, she can’t ride a unicycle either.
Oh well, I guess the positive way to look at it is that now Frannie can devote all of her time to practicing for the 2011-2012 Mrs. Oxbow Plumpers Division beauty pageant. I’m sure she will grieve for a while, but life will eventually go on for all of us. We’ll never have closure though, we will just learn to live with the hole in our heart.
The Bun Life - When New Bunny Becomes Old Hat
The Bun Life - Ouch!
The Bun Life - Thumper: Not the Best Posterboy for the Male Gender
- Food (and whoever he has to kill to get it is fair game)
- Face Humping Frannie (she's lowered the frequency of this to only on his birthday)
- Traditional Missionary Humping Frannie
- Side/Lateral Humping Frannie
- Snuffing Out Frannie's Life if there happens to be a male rabbit within sight.
- Killing Sydney
- All Forms of Sleep
- Breeze
- Scanning the room for hours for no apparent reason.
- Plot my death
The Bun Life – Takes a Licking and Keeps on..Watching TV
The Bun Life - Jesus Camp
The Bun Life – Par for the Course
The Bun Life – Shocking Story in Woman’s Day!
The latest issue of Woman’s Day magazine has shocked the house rabbit community to its very core. My name is Ludwig Van Weinershnitzel, and I am a veteran reporter for Woman’s Day magazine. As a journalist who only does stories that make a real impact on the world, I think it was divine intervention that ultimately led me to an extraordinary woman, well a female bunny really, with an extraordinary story of survival. One that I thought was absolutely…yup, extraordinary.
Due to a pending criminal investigation, I cannot tell you her full name, but we will refer to her as Baby Fwan, or Frannie. In August of last year, Frannie was walking alone at night, in a badly lit area by the entertainment center, when she was violently and suddenly attacked. I think the best way to tell you the details are from the horse’s mouth, or at least an ugly bunny that looks like a horse:
“One of my hocks went flat, and the area was really dark and desolate. If it wasn’t for the Dog Whisperer coming on the TV, I wouldn’t have been able to see a thing. I had a feeling someone was stalking me, watching my every move (I’ve been told by good friends that I am always like this but I don’t see it). As I came up on an entertainment center, I ran to the front doors and pounded on them, hoping that someone would open the door, but help never came.
Out of nowhere, a big burly human man appeared from my right. He had the drop on me, and blind-sided me, grasping me with his monstrous hands while PICKING ME UP off the ground! I was freaking out, trying to grab the attention of any passersby. I thought I saw my ex-boyfriend for a second, but he took one look at the situation and ran off to hide. Some boyfriend huh? I can’t believe that nobody had the common sense to at least call 911. The assailant, who was later identified as Jim through a paper trail of hay purchases and pizza delivery receipts, wouldn’t let me go even as I pleaded with him. I told him that he could clip my nails, brush my coat, anything but just not to PICK ME UP AGAIN! Like the criminal he is, he just had no reaction.
Eventually I escaped when he put me down, thankfully. I reported the incident to the nearest Police Station, but the cops were real jerks. They treated me as if I was criminal. They asked heartless questions like, “What were you wearing?” Which of course I told them I only had my pumpernickel fur jumpsuit on, and that even if I dress up as a pumpernickel bagel it doesn’t mean anyone has the right to just pick me up at random!! They asked me to take a polygraph, which I failed because I chewed up all the wires and leads. Boy, they were really pissed off about that.
They kept me in the station for hours, grilling me with accusations and doubts, even tried to beat me with a phone book, but I peed on it before they picked it up. Thank god I had the presence of mind to be that clever. In the end, I identified my attacker, Jim, and he was sentenced to 90 days in jail, only being allowed out once a day to come feed us and change our litter boxes.
Since my harrowing ordeal, I have learned a lot about myself that I never knew before, such as being able to eat a whole bag of carrots and still leave room for pellets. I even started a Picked Up victim’s rights group in my area, and found out that I am not alone; many female bunnies are picked up every day in this world, and we need to start mandatory sentencing for these monsters, or else the whole bunny community is unsafe. Even though I am doing great, I am still more paranoid than ever, never crossing the living room by the entertainment center again. Hopefully, I will continue to grow and learn from this, and it would help to speak at least a little English, but who’s counting?”
Wow, what a story. Actually, I meant what a STUPID story!
Easter 2011: The Bun Life's Open Letter to Those Who Are Considering Getting a Bunny for Easter
Being a supporter of the House Rabbit Society, I only agree with keeping rabbits indoors like any other domesticated animal (yes, they can be litter trained AND free range just like my 3 are). If you can't keep them anywhere but in a wooden drawer outside in the cold, or in the hot, bug infested weather, then there is no reason to have a rabbit, right?
Every year, without fail, all rabbit rescues around the country get thousands of abandoned rabbit calls from people who bought the rabbit for their kid as an Easter present, and now the kid doesn't want it. If the rescue can't take the rabbit, then the owner lets it loose and dumps it in the woods. Domesticated bunnies have ZERO skills that their wild counterparts do.
All they really do is hide and run long enough to get lucky and starve to death, instead of being eaten alive. They are at the THE BOTTOM of the food chain; meaning everything out there with them is trying to eat them, and they have little defense, especially compared to the wild rabbits. This is a recipe for disaster, and 100% evil and cruel. There are countless reasons why a rabbit is not a good impulse present:
- They live more than 10 full years on average. So, if your daughter or son is in 8th grade now, they will have the responsibility of caring for the bunny even when they graduate from college. They aren't cute little babies for long; then they are a full-sized pet from then on. This is when they lose their novelty for the young kids who don't know any better, and accidentally "let themselves out".
- If you made a list of every kind of pet, and then tried to find the one domesticated indoor pet that was the absolute highest amount of maintenance, a bunny would be near the top. They have complex diets, hay and pellets and water daily. Not to mention cleaning up the hair and stray pellets of poop.
- Bunnies have an extremely complicated and delicate digestive system. Stasis is up there for the most prolific killer of bunnies, and it is hard to detect until it is too late. This means that regular checkups, at least once every 6 months, are needed. This all costs money.
- Rabbits are NOT child safe pets. They are, for the most part, afraid of being picked up (especially my Frannie); which makes sense, because in the wild being picked up means being eaten. Children are clumsy and unsure of themselves when they first start interacting with a new pet; but rabbits have an extremely light skeletal system that is largely hollow and is less dense than a cat's. It is VERY common for a child to try and pick up or hold a bunny and it falls from fright or by mistake, and suffers a broken back. There is nothing that can be done after that, they must be put down (the rabbit, not the kid).
- If you are a person who is very vain about their house and furniture (which isn't an insult), then having a rabbit might not be a good idea, because they have a penchant for chewing wires, couches, molding, carpets, and anything else. Sure, with training and rabbit-proofing your place properly, this can be mitigated, but not if you aren't expecting it.
- Rabbits multiply like Gremlins at a 4 a.m. smorgasbord. Unless fixed, they will quickly turn from 2 bunnies into half a trillion bunnies. Wow, how lucky you are to have a zillion offspring bestowed onto thou??
- Rabbits are known to be government witnesses for the bunny mafia who have been placed into the Witness Relocation Program while cooperating with known criminal bunnies.
The Bun Life - Guess Who's Profile Was On
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Me on the Left, Just Ignore My Ex on the Right |
Age: “You wish!”
Gender: Female
Race: “Yes, I’m Really Fast”
Location: Livingroom and ½ of the Dining room
Education: I Watch a lot of Discovery Channel
Occupation: Full-time Certified House Rabbit
Salary: Two Bags of Western TH per week
Favorite Band: Tumpie Rabbits and the Five Whatchamacallits
Favorite Bagel : Pumpernickel (duh)
Marital Status: Divorced
The Bun Life - My Nephew Stephen..The Little Engine That Could
Don't let the cute button nose and infectious laugh fool you, this baby has brought me to the brink of despair more than once!! He would make a great commercial acting baby, because you can make him cry on cue, on demand anytime you want, for any length of time.
"How is that even possible?" you ask? Okay, well even if you didn't really ask that, I am going to answer it anyway. It is possible, a virtual guarantee, as sure a thing as Old Faithful, that to get Stephen to cry on demand, you simply need to alert him to my presence! Did you think it would be more complex than that?
Well, no sir. He could be immersed in happiness, love, endless bottles, run of the house unabated, attention non-stop 24/7, but the second he realizes he is staring at my ugly mug, boom! The tears start flowing! I am not talking about regular crying here, from the outside it sounds like I am pulling his teeth out with a blow torch and a pair of rusty bolt-cutters.
Me and my sister discussed this at length, and we have come to the conclusion that the best way to handle this situation is to simply tell him that I am the devil. Yup, it's quick, it's painless (well, for him it is anyway, my future mental health not withstanding), and most of all, it builds a solid foundation for mine and his relationship later on in life to blossom, you know, sort of like how Jim Jones and his people did.
The Bun Life - Diner Left Overs, and the Case of the Paper Bag Bandit
Thumper is the all-time worst bully I have ever seen. Any time they are enclosed in a small area, he relentlessly face humps poor Frannie non-stop. She puts up with it, and puts up with it, and puts up with it, then to get away from him she starts circling the cage (because she won't run out because I am standing near the cage), and we all know circling leads to a fight. I backed up and even went into the other room to make her feel safe to run out of the cage.
She just plain and simple would NOT exit the cage. I approach with the hay bag, and Thumps starts drilling her on cue, and things reached that critical point where Frannie exceeds her "Amount of crap I will tolerate from Thumper" hard limit. The switch had been thrown. Frannie tussled with Thumper, even nipping him on the back. He gets the hell out of dodge immediately. One point for the pumpernickel team.
The day before last I came home to see the entire cage (which is placed full fit into the corner of the room) pulled away from the far wall. Frannie was stuffed in between the wall and cage, as peaceful as anything. They just love being snuggled and stuffed into tight places because of their wild nature, the same thing goes for them loving to hide under something, it makes them feel more secure about birds snatching them up. I have seen her pull crates and playpens by gripping it with her teeth and then pulling. They can be very persistent.
Then earlier tonight I order something for takeout from the local diner. They put everything in a supermarket style brown paper bag. I go home and eat it, and I leave the paper bag standing straight up on the couch while I use the restroom. While in the rest room, I hear familiar sounds, typical sounds of my bunnies working on a new construction project. I wasn't worried. When I walked into the living room, I see the bag is half of what it used to be, and I see a pumpernickel pom-pom peering out from the back. Guess who is in there? Yup, my Mom. No just kidding, FRANNIE OF COURSE!
Boy, she sure knows how to entertain herself, that's for sure. She hardly ever does "The Crazies" anymore, but I realized that she does it mostly when I am asleep. I hear the noise from the other room of her doing two thousand laps around the apartment. I have always wanted to get it on video. Most bunnies run around a little, do some binkies, but she does all kinds of stuff. I think a lot of it is her playing out certain situations, like being chased, etc. I am considering putting a little webcam in the corner and then see what she does when I am not home.
I tell ya, when I adopted Frannie, I never could've imagined what she was really like. Her personality is so unique, most things she does are often trivial at best, until you think about it for a while; then it all makes sense :)
The Bun Life - Wow, Truly Wow
Now Frannie and Thumps hate the linoleum floor and will not use it to grab a shortcut regardless of whatever they are running from. Well, all that changed, for Fran it did at least. SHe started darting across the kitchen linoleum in order to avoid being picked up. The problem was that she slipped and slid everywhere, so it was only something she would do if absolutely necessary.
Anyway, I woke up to find the one box that fell off the table completely stretched out length wise, which was just barely enough to cover the distance of the gap. I look at Frannie and she was hopping around like she solved world hunger. WIth the cardboard bridge that she built, she can then cross over the kitchen gap to avoid the linoleum floor altogether.
Don't believe me if you want, it is true regardless of what anyone thinks. What shocks me are the following facts:
1. She is aware that she has been stopped in her getaways by the linoleum floor.
2. She knows that she can nmake it across, but it is very scary and she could get hurt or splay her legs or something.
3. Uses the box as a way to solve this issue, what should astonish anyone is the solving of a PAST problem, and anticipation of a FUTURE one.
She knows she can go around, but wants to use it in order to make the getaway quicker. Needless to say, I am stunned.