The Bun Life - Bunny Butt???

I was talking to my friend Catherine, who is also a Bun Life groupie, and I was telling her how Thumper went psycho when I gave him a Craisin. He has always been friendly, but once I gave him a few Craisins, I then had a 24/7 shadow with floppy ears. He would lick my shoes, start to tunnel in my pant leg when I fell asleep on the couch, crawl on me as if maybe if he dug far enough into my chest he could find the secret Craisin storage area, and then sniffed the air on his two hind legs as if he was tracking the Craisin criminal. I have a choice to make, either keep giving him Craisins and possibly have to enter the Witness Protection Program, or stick to carrots and bananas as treats.

Catherine then said something I never heard before, she said that her bunny gets "Banana Butt" when she gives him a piece of banana. Boy, what a visual depiction that sparked in my mind, I pictured Frannie running around with a gaggle of bananas sprouting from her rear-end (also known as butt). What in the hell is "banana butt?". Apparently, according to her and what she says many others, some bunnies butts start shaking when they eat banana. Not the rest of their body though, just the butt. Now I had an Aunt that could do that trick, and she was damn near 500 pounds, but I never heard of a bunny doing that, have you? She said only some bunnies do it, of course mine don't, they don't do anything cool like that, other than digesting my furniture. Do your bunnies do it? If so, do you have a pic or video of it? Good, burn it. No just kidding, send it to me and I will post it here!


  1. Jim, Noah and Fuzz Ball both do Banana Butt... all our buns know the word, well words... it has to be said twice "banana, banana" or "apple, apple" lol... butt twitches mostly for bananas though...
    Don't even get me started on craisins, they are the new bunny crack... Noah has even jumped into the bag of them! ALL my guys LOVE craisins... I have a video of "banana, banana" just need to see if they are doing the butt twitch... and find a way to get it on my computer!

  2. You see? Now I'm pissed, my plain vanilla bunny rabbits don't do anything "cool", unless gutting your favorite love seat strikes you as cool. Thumper is also handy with wiring jobs, meaning he inhales the wires. No Banana Butt here, maybe she does the Pumpernickel Twist, or was that Peppermint Twist?

  3. Oh, Sydney does this cool Achilles Heel shredding thing, but I'm not so sure that would be viewed in a positive light.

  4. Nutmeg does the happy banana dance of joy before I give her the banana slice. Then, once she begins devouring it, she gets twitchy butt (aka "banana butt") I'll try to get it on video for you! Smudge, my beloved fuzzy lop, may have done it, but he was far too fluffy to tell. Cookie, a Holland lop, and Sweety, a Netherland dwarf, also used to have twitchy tushies. (PS-saw you over on bunspace. What a beautiful fur family you have)

  5. Hi Shazzle, thank you for reading my blog, yes I am about to go over to Bunspace today and beef up the profiles, etc. Any video you send me of banana butt will be posted if you don't mind :)

  6. Both Biff and Sogna's butts twitch while they eat banana! With Biffy you have to watch closely because it's a little bit subtle, but Sogna's is wild. I've heard other people say that their bunnies do that with any treat they really like, but for my bunnies, it's this exceptional thing about banana. I couldn't begin to tell you why. Banana is special.

  7. My little bunny Burt does the craisin butt!!! It's adorable.

  8. Wait, my bunnies do have a new trick, they have this thing where anytime I approach they disappear! Is that rare?
