The Bun Life - Baby Fwan Has Done it This Time!! (With Photo Evidence)

Okay, I leave for a few hours the other night, and on the way out I keep thinking about the bunny gossip going around around Thumper and Frannie. The word on the street (huh?) is that Thumper is the one actually chewing up my couch when I am gone, that he is just framing Baby Fwan to take the hit for his criminal clawing of my chewed up couch. Do I really believe that? Not a chance. I have caught Frannie on the couch grooming the armrest, burrowing into the corner, all kinds of weird shit. Not for a SECOND do I think Frannie is innocent.

Well, I come home the other night, and I was horrified by what my eyes were telling me. I kept a camera handy and ready to go in case I ever got a chance to take evidence photos (for the prosecution). Well, here it is, truth unfolded, undeniable proof that Frannie is a couch criminal:

Frannie is an evil bun, and I will see to it that prosecutors will be violated! Wait, I mean viacutors will be prosellated, oh whatever, you know what I mean!. Vote NO for Baby Fwan!


  1. Ummm, I dont even know what to say. I have never seen anything like this, ever. DESTRUCTO BUN. Are you a bit ticked off at her?

  2. How can something so small be responsible for so much destruction? And she has the face of an angel...

  3. AM I mad at her? Well the first time I was, this is like number 87, so it is kind of old now lol.

  4. Wow, and I thought my couch looked terrible! At least Simon and Dandi haven't yet discovered that the couch actually has stuffing inside. So, pssst, I will have to get off your blog real fast and quietly before they see that photo ...

  5. Stuffing? Fwan can show you the real meaning of stuffing! Fwan is to stuffing what Gordon Ramsey is to foul mouthed Scottish cooks!

  6. Was just looking through blogs as I've had my rabbit since Christmas and found yours. I know I shouldn't laugh, but it's too late.

    Still really new to rabbit proofing and finding safe ways to let my rabbit around the house so she's not peeing on DH's prized blu-rays on the bottom shelf or eating my cell phone charger.

  7. Bethany, Frannie loves to open my PlayStation games, and DVD's and pull out the manuals and inserts and chew around the outside edges, like a kid eating a bologna sandwich!

  8. OMG so NAUGHTY! I thought I had it bad...but my bunnies (knock on wood) have NEVER done this!

  9. Never say never, or Candyman three times either.
